Launch Your Chat Engine Today

After architecting & serving up digital ecosystems for over two decades, we now offering fully managed and supervised GPTs all in one scalable, extensible, web and mobile SaaS technology platform. 

Let’s talk! 1 (937) 860-0020

Supercharge your workforce. Boost productivity.


Imagine having all the tools your staff, commissions, committees, citizens, or workforce need, consolidated into a single mobile application. Empower your workforce with chat engines trained on your documents, product information, and supporting documents to accelerate salesforce enablement and workforce empowerment. Instead of causing frustration, the workforce of today and tomorrow won’t tolerate a jumble of applications and services that aren’t designed to collaborate. Workers who spend less time using efficient digital tools experience less exhaustion.

» Chat Engines

» DAM SaaS + Mobile

» Just-in-time Training

» Digital Asset Management

» QuickDocs


First Dataset Loaded Free Up to 1 TB

Keep digital workflows simple & secure.
Honeycomb everything. All in one platform.


Create open, or closed systems with internal newsfeeds, or external newsfeeds, or a blend of both. We recommend internal news feeds to keep multiple teams connected and in the know—realtime.


Automatically spawn a conference call with up to 50 people at any time from any message or email or interactive posting.

Custom Modules

Have a unique business process or a unique piece of software you would like integrated for your team? Let’s make productivity easier! Just Honeycomb it!

Asset Management

Digital asset management made easy when it is in line with all of your tools for your day-to-day business activities. Need to send a message or an email or a post with a gigabyte data file available to only certain people? No problem.

QR Scanner

From accelerated data entry to physical asset tracking in large manufacturing and industrial complexes integrated QR code scanning for managing tagged assets empowers auditing, data logging, surveys, just-in-time safety and operational training.


Flex.Email. We reimagined email to allow teams to move very large files, coordinate meetings and interact with other active task lists.


Connect with your team, using end and encrypted messaging. Replete with 5 minute snooze firewall to block unwanted overflow alerts.


Keep your business calendar content, separated from other workers home calendar, personal calendaring, so they have a dedicated view of activities related to work.


Create any type of media, anywhere, anytime. Define data points, workflows and syndicate or provide controlled access.


Authorized Reseller of Nu Eyes Technologies, super bright smart glasses (PRO3e – 2000 nits and PRO3 – 1300 nits) 153″ wide AR viewing screen. Nu Eyes Technologies is a Honeycomb Digital technology integration partner. Create pilot integrations with other wearables. (Pro & Enterprise)


Just-in-time training is available more easily in your Honeycomb platform than ever before. Gone are the days of long drawn out courses and training where team is not able to retain so much complexity at once.


Create your own footprint of your business locations of buildings of any parts and pieces to your campus, to allow new staff, an existing workers to navigate easily, and communicate their whereabouts. Remote working service members or maintenance location broadcast or turned to privacy when not available.

Headquartered in the Greater Dayton & Springfield Area

888 Dayton St, Suite 300
Yellow Springs, OH 45387

  Tel: 1-937-860-0020
